At our best we would have been just a far cry from...
At our worst you could have cemented the...
You were a high I could never come down from
And I found some kinds of sadness I could treat...
I know who you used to be.
I know it doesn't mean much to say that anymore...
There's bile in my throat telling me my timing is...
It's just plain easier to ignore inconvenient...
I passed up on dreaming
In favor of more realistic goals...
The shoreline was unforgiving - dune grass...
You never hesitated, ran like a madman through...
Can't shake the feeling that I was supposed to...
But we got the timing all wrong and our syncopated...
Jittery-talking like some kinda addict
You really had me going for a while there...
This is an excuse or an explanation for the last...
Tonight I mean to set the record straight...
Lying in the back of my car, alone, full of...
"Ich bin müde, immer müde zu sein"
I am tired of always being tired...
Hour fourteen and I'm ready to clock out-
Me and the rest of the crew...