I never meant to die so bitter
But it looks like I'm going to...
There's only so many ways you can say that lonely...
But I get it...
There's bile in my throat telling me my timing is...
It's just plain easier to ignore inconvenient...
I've seen the back of your head
enough to know the shape of someone...
Hour fourteen and I'm ready to clock out-
Me and the rest of the crew...
Abuse is quiet.
It's a quiet thing...
Lying in the back of my car, alone, full of...
This is an excuse or an explanation for the last...
Tonight I mean to set the record straight...
Some people are power washers.
Some people are chainsaws...
I'll never be this happy again,
I'll never be this free...
It never quite feels like Christmas anymore;
Cynicism curb stomped the hell out of my hopes...
"Ich bin müde, immer müde zu sein"
I am tired of always being tired...