I envied the way you treat your girl. how come you never treated me the same way? |
You're not my number one cause you're my only one. <3 |
If you wanna make it better, let me go. |
When everything changes, trust me the part that involves me and you wont. |
If you think leaving me hurts, wait till you feel how much pain i've went through being left </3 |
I might not get the chance to see you again, but let me say this for the last time, i love you so much and that will never change </3 |
I cant believe im not worth the truth. |
If your friend criticizes you just because you're being yourself, let it go. she's not worth your time. she'll do anything to pull you down. escape before its too late |
I expected a lot on "it". i tried my best to fullfill my expectations but in the end, its all useless neither any of you supported me in the long run. so dont ever tell me that its all worth it ='( |
For every tear i shed, there's a hundred more kept. ='( |