" Everything was fine, till she become part of your life. Oh my mistake, I mean your WHOLE life. " |
" Don`t look at me like that, when i was the one who didn`t want to let go. " |
" & The funny thing is how you said that everything was gonna be alright, then why am i.. why am i writing this ? " |
" Why do i have to give you that call at night ? Why do i have to tell you i love you first ? Why do i have to do everything; when i was the ONLY one who cared ? " |
" Who knew falling it love meant hurting only yourself.. " |
" & She plunges her music & closes her eyes, shuts off the world, until she feels alive.. " |
" Life was given to you for a reason, some people still don't understand.. & yet they still act as selfish as they are, to try to leave this world.. " |
" Sorry.. Forgive me for trying my best. " |
" Thanks. I appreciate the pain(= " |
" I've lost myself behind the shadows of my own depression.. " |