Poems by Kalee nichole

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  • You were always so mean to me and i dont know why
    but your friend whipped away my tears whenever i...

  • If I could catch a rainbow
    i would do it for you...

  • I did some stuff while you were away
    I'll only mention a few, because this is so hard...

  • How could you be ready to move on?
    after all you put me through...

  • Nobody (1)

    Nobody loved me
    Nobody cared...

  • I wonder what is after life
    or is it after death...

  • You say you need time
    because YOUR confused...

  • I thought what we were doing was wrong
    because that's the way that other people felt...

  • When I go to sleep tonight
    Im'ma imagine u holding me tight...

  • I never knew you could turn on me
    so damn quicklyâ€&brvbar...

  • People (1)

    *this is a really random poem i made when i was...
    there are so many people in the world...

  • Another night I am awake
    thinking of my sad past, my rotten present...the...