Quotes by bre

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  • Isnt totally low when your boyfriend thinks that you and him are having problems but doesnt talk to yewh? instead he talks to his cousin about it. and i dont knoe about it until i talk to his cousin!

    17 years ago
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  • We both fell in love at the same time.
    but there's one thing wrong.
    he fell in love with someone that's
    NOT MEE........ totally heartbroken.

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • Whenever i talk to him, my heart pounds my chest
    whenever he says he loves me i feel better then the rest
    he makes me feel so special, as special as can be
    now i know he loves me just for being me

    17 years ago
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  • She's just another teenage girl loving another guy thinking he's her "prince charming" but all he is.. is another heartbreak

    17 years ago
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