Poems by Reminders Torture

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  • The tiger phoned the zebra
    and invited him to dine...

  • She is scared to be alone.
    no-one to save her from pain...

  • Death (2)

    If i die,would anybody care??would anybody cry??
    could someone ever notice me,that i am not there...

  • Can you listen to me,
    The words that I...

  • She watched her child speak a while ago.
    she heard the words that had no end...

  • You'll never know.
    how much I cried...

  • Without you is it impossible dat some1 could...
    your the one i have been thinking enough...

  • Everything has its beginning.
    every new beginning comes from an end...

  • Whenever i needed someone to talk to,you were...
    whenever i needed someone to share my pain,you...

  • The sun rise right through my door,i peep outside...
    shinning brightly,birds singing,and children...

  • How do you walk away from someone you love?
    and take the route of your friends...

  • Our life has not ever been easy.
    we have managed to drift apart...