xD Jennifer Dx

About xD Jennifer Dx

If you write poems, show them to all that matter in your life...and anyone you wish to tell. Because it might help them in years to come.
Plus if you tell them that one poem they might tell other's and help them or make them feel better. Poems, they are art, full of passion, belief, and wonder. You might not understand them at first, but thats the best part.

The best part is staying up late wondering what that poet meant...and what you come up with is probably different than what they meant. But you took that poem and got a meaning out of it and now it makes sense to you.

Share poems with everyone you meet, even if they are not yours. Poems inspire people, help people, they help you understand the world around you and make them happier than can be.

It scares my parents some times when I read a poem and know right after I read it what I think it means.

I'm only 12 but I think I have the mind of some one much older relating to the arts.

And for me some of the saddest, darkest poem can make me happy.
I have hear the kind of friends i have usually effect the kind of poet you are....so...

I am friends with all kinds of people...Goths, emos, punks, preps, skaters, stoner's, jocks, nerds, bi's, gays, lesbians, teachers pet....everyone....and i love all my friends in each group and would never stop being there friends.
And I understand where most poets is coming from....i understand most poems...and what kind of person wrote it.

Profile of xD Jennifer Dx

  • Age : 13
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Florida
  • Joined : Jun 4, 2007
  • Last Visit : 17 years ago
  • Poems : 19
  • Comments : 9
  • Quotes : 13
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By xD Jennifer Dx

Latest Quotes By xD Jennifer Dx

  • Why do we kill people,
    who kill people?
    To show other people,
    that killing people,
    is bad?

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • I live
    I sing
    I Dance

    I smile
    I Cry
    I Think

    But when I think.
    I know that everything I did that day was worth it.

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • 'Great' things happen to me everyday, just not the 'great' things I really wish would happen.

    17 years ago
    0 0

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