Quotes by sketch01

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  • I might be so inlove,so caught up in the moments,always wanting you near, wanting to hear your voice...i love just having you around..

    but, thats just me...=(

    you get my point?....

    17 years ago
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  • I sleep with you on my mind and dream only dreams of you for I have wished that you would be mine and then prayed for my wish to come true...

    17 years ago
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  • I kissed you with my eyes closed... not to enjoy the kiss better, but coz Im afraid that when I open my eyes...Id wake up from a dream...=(

    I love you hon!

    We hold hands, hugs, ksses and all..
    but were not together,
    I just wish you'd have me...

    17 years ago
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  • I was looking at your pictures just now..
    seeing you happy and smiling..
    I just wish that you could smile at me the way you do with others..but I guess you were never going to be happy loving someone you promised not to love anymore...

    17 years ago
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  • Sometimes I hate having to hold you and not be mine..
    I hate spending all day with you and yet having to run out of time..

    I hate that I love you so much!

    17 years ago
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  • We talk like we're lovers
    we hold each other like we're lovers
    we even fight like we're lovers


    we're not together...


    I still love being with you!

    17 years ago
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  • Now I know you love me..
    but I also know you're waiting for the guy I gave you away to...
    how I wish I could turn back time and never have given you up..
    It would be wrong to wish you'd break you're promise..

    Im sorry..

    17 years ago
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  • I hate it! you made me fall in love with you just as you were falling out of love for me!

    17 years ago
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  • Its hard to love someone who takes pleasure in hurting you!but im still here..I dont want her to be comfortable with losing me... coz I dont ever want to go away,ive already gone so far!

    17 years ago
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  • She was in love with me
    and I didnt make a move
    now im the one who's inlove with her
    but she doesnt care anymore

    now I really believe in karma..

    17 years ago
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