Quotes by unblue skye

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  • "Friends are the people that would plaster themselves to you just to have an excuse to hang out with you more!!!"

    Are you that friend?


    16 years ago
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  • "I just found out that in one simple move, your world could actually start crumbling down..."


    16 years ago
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  • Nightmares follow me...
    to my dreams, to my wishes,
    and to you.
    Your my latest nightmare.


    16 years ago
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  • You held all my light, so when you left, darkness surrounded me. That's all I see now...


    16 years ago
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  • SomEtimeS i wiSh i coUld prEss thE OFf bUTTon oN liFE... I knoW it SOUndS CraZy... BuT its ThE TRUTh...


    Whatever you do-suicide is not the answer.

    17 years ago
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  • And On This Day... You'll Become Everything You Said You Wouldn't Become... You Left Me Stranded And Hurt. Thank You For Forgetting Me...
    sHuT tHE LIeZ AwAY... DiE t0daY...
    Forgotten, And Broken...
    crACKed smiLES, DeAD LoVE...


    17 years ago
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  • Life is a race...
    Try not to lose it.
    Keep Running.


    17 years ago
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  • Sometime I too need to look at myself and not judge people for the way they because of our differences and look beyond that due to my ignorance.

    ~ I did NOT write this. <>This is dedicated to my nephew, Raiden who has Autism.<>~

    17 years ago
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  • I'm just a tear in your eyes...
    Something to be wiped away...


    17 years ago
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  • Reach a hand out for a friend,
    Become an angel and protect them!

    =D <3


    17 years ago
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