Quotes by unblue skye

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  • When I look in the mirror,
    I see a stupid loser...
    I sigh, and remember that


    Then when your gone, I see...

    Just me.



    16 years ago
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  • Dead or Alive...
    I will love you always.


    16 years ago
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  • [One Girl, One Heart...]

    One Question...
    Will you be careful with it?


    16 years ago
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  • When I give you my heart,
    Will you make sure you don't crush it?


    16 years ago
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  • To be a hero, you don't have to have the ability to fly.
    You have to have the ability to love...and make people laugh, smile, and feel truly happy.
    In other words, you have to be...
    A friend...

    [my friends r my heros!]

    16 years ago
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  • Life is like riding a bike.
    You use your training wheels, so you don't fall to hard, and then,
    your parents rip them off, letting you go over those bumps. Finally, you get used to it, and get all the scrapes...and you let it all go...


    16 years ago
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  • The Girl Who Cried Death...

    And no one believed her...


    16 years ago
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  • When I told you that I didn't think i could go on with life...
    I meant that I didn't want to.

    [Tired of it all......]


    16 years ago
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  • To me, dying is just 'giving up.'
    It means, to stop fighting.
    And then it's over...


    16 years ago
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  • I'm not afraid of death.
    It's just that I'm afraid of who I'll leave behind.


    16 years ago
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