Favorite Poems of Jenna

  • Lately it feels like time
    has kicked up her skirt...

  • Benighted Conscience (7) 2 WIN

    by Melpomene

    To the sun, I apologize;
    for the moon, has my heart...

  • Springs Lost Beauty...

  • Melas Oneiros (4) 4 WIN

    by Melpomene

    They tore my wings like zephyr
    -and I; I sat upon that one...

  • Illusive (6) 4 WIN

    by Melpomene

    When you write of
    - pure silence...

  • Surrender of a
    soul to indifference...

  • Hyohakusha (6) 3 WIN

    by Gary Jurechka

    Laying there in fading summer jazz sunlight,
    it seems your floor is a meadow...

  • Deadly Nightshade (4)

    by Melpomene

    Eighteen years I have,
    breathed fire upon lady beetles...

  • Moonlit Perspective (4)

    by Melpomene

    The moonlight blisters my lips;
    unconscious of time...

  • " And my life ends, ends my pride and glory
    In the drafts I am not, not a line nor a...

  • Heart
    t r u m p s...

  • "All that we are is the result of what we...

  • Beautiful (9) 9 WIN

    by Aureus Argentum


  • Freedom Cries (16) 5

    by Karl Wild GG23

    You know it wasn't my decision to be here,
    In fact I never even had a say in the matter...

  • Reflecting upon times that are past,
    I measure my growth in leaps and bounds...

  • Daisies and Butterflies
    Smile of daisies and butterflies...

  • Comfort Knowing It Doesn't Hurt (1)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    There's a gun pressed to my temple
    So old it doesn't work...

  • Their Final Good Bye (26) 5 WIN

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I watched her walk through
    dew pearled roses, wind softly...

  • Frozen Moment (8) 6

    by Sourav

    No matter where you are- how far you've gone
    In the same way, you'll find a mournful dawn...

  • Promises (29) 6 WIN

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Promises are just trinkets of deception ,
    cleverly crafted with no hidden exceptions...

  • Mirror Mirror (2)

    by lakitu

    Mirror mirror on the wall,
    How many more times do i have to fall...

  • The Unseen (3)

    by Melpomene

    As darkness engulfs my heart;
    remember me tonight...

  • I remember!

    by always the same

    I remember
    those nights i lay inbed crying...

  • Blue Eyes, Blue Eyes.

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Oceans away,
    A world of your own...

  • Prettiest

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    These days, I find myself here more often than not
    I told you my reasons, then somehow you forgot...

  • A Candle Is Just Wax (1)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Never confuse stubborn and strength
    One makes you wither and one makes you last...

  • Catching Butterflies (1) 1

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    You opened your chest so I could see your heart...
    Hiding under sheets of skin are stories waiting to...

  • When Destiny Met Death (4) 5

    by Melpomene

    Sometimes in life you must reach a red light
    in order to understand what you truly need...

  • You will never love me (1)

    by recklessdreamerx3

    We were friends but i loved you from the start...
    and i don't even know why i'm trying anymore, it's...

  • Just friends

    by recklessdreamerx3

    I've come across a fork in the road,
    don't know which way to go...

  • Parallel (5) 4 WIN

    by Melpomene

    when the wind eases...

  • The Long and Winding Road
    Sometimes I see a ray of light...

  • Friendship and Love (2)

    by corinereyes

    Never to unravel love with the existence of a true...
    It's like bringing rain into a summer time...

  • Embers Burn (11) 3 WIN

    by Twisted Heart

    As sorrow drifts among my dreams
    And night fades in to gray...

  • I never noticed her, just two stools......a way;
    we both sat with bleary eyes...

  • You burned that Bridge,
    And you're left now with the ashes...

  • Isn't it funny

    by heartaches808

    Isn't it funny how one day you could have the...
    how you use to laugh and fight with one another...

  • Dont Tell Me (8)

    by Brittany

    Don't tell me what your doing
    Don't tell me know where you are...

  • My Savior (1)

    by Natalie

    You'll lose friends, like blisters pop.
    &you'll find out which ones are true, and...

  • Away they go

    by Nicole

    The rear view mirror broke today
    Enough of the past it said...

  • Can we just play in the rain?
    Words come better that way...

  • I Told Your Secret (1)

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Apologies bite my tongue
    so swollen that they can't escape...

  • Best friends

    by Alleycat

    Best friends are supposed to make through...
    and make it through whatever life can bring...

  • If I died tomorrow

    by Stephanie

    If I died tomorrow
    would you regret this fight...

  • Get out the picture

    by a little bit of EvErYtHiNg

    Get out the picture,
    blow off the dust...

  • I know its killing him inside,
    he know that for a fact...

  • Like roses blooming in the spring and dying in...
    All good things must come to an end...

  • Nobody (1)

    by Some guy done with college

    You see the group of them
    You wish you could belong...

  • Seems that no matter what I do
    You're always two steps in front...

  • You Will Always (1)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    You are beautiful
    Don't you forget...

  • Heart Shaped Shell (2)


    A love once had now dazzled in dust,
    A lack of reliance, a lack of trust...

  • So many nights, she listened to me cry; I swear...
    How do you use someone who doesn't benefit you in...

  • Your Forever

    by StandStill

    We always said we'd write the ocean
    her very own love songs...

  • City Screams, Liquid Dreams (10) 2

    by Poetically Speaking

    How cruel is a heartless promise,
    now that you don't feel for me...

  • Suicide Virgin (15)

    by Anthony Duvalle

    It's a terrifying sound when you can't fill your...
    A song even worse when your heart speaks in...

  • "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
    Who is already sick and pale with grief&quot...

  • I've Just Got To Let You Go (42) 2

    by Hollymariee

    I close my eyes
    And dream about...

  • I don't understand why things happen to me
    can't wrap my head around the things you don't see...

  • The "Story" Has No Significance. (13)

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Girl loves boy...

  • Your Everything (41)

    by Hollymariee

    I can be the stars ,
    That light up your night sky...

  • Our Story (Pt 1) (10)

    by Beautiful Forever

    I thought what I was doing was right,
    I was being led on by my own deceptions...

  • Death comes knocking (8) 5

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Death comes knocking
    Full moon shining bright...

  • Reverie (8) 8 WIN

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I wish to dream the day away
    Lost in thought of yesterday...

  • Acheing Memories (20)

    by Hollymariee

    As I lay there in your arms ,
    I'd never felt so safe and warm...

  • Dull ache

    by MorbidCupcake

    You turned my dreams to apathy
    Hating me...

  • Every moment is a tragedy (1)

    by A piece of my broken heart is embedded in you forever

    Never did i think in million years you would...
    Those words you uttered, have been imprinted on my...

  • I pray, God, you will be kind to me,
    And not let me sink into misery...

  • Waste Away (1)

    by Moose

    If my heart stopped cold, stopped beating, could...
    If I took back all I'd said and done, could we try...

  • Autumn's Blossoms (6) 1

    by NightFlyer

    Blossoms rustle in the wind
    Crocus bright and thistle blue...

  • TJ's puzzle of love (6)

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    TJ's puzzle of love
    Alright TJ listen close...

  • Salt Water Dreams (1)

    by Melissa

    I want to find my heart
    an anchor...

  • Much Too Late (31) 2

    by Hollymariee

    Tell me lies and call me names
    When you need I'm here to blame...

  • Let The Wind Be My Friend. (10) 2 WIN

    by Steven Beesley

    Let the wind soothe me,
    sweep away all my mortal encumbrances...

  • Realization Release (17)

    by Finalgravedigger

    Realization Release
    A heart aches from broken shards crumbling into...

  • I Love You (28) 4

    by MissMeg

    The day I needed someone most,
    I turned and saw you there...

  • Little broken record,
    She still sings her same old song...

  • Shut up and control the crying,
    be a big girl the way they want...

  • While ancient stones carried with snow melt go by
    Still my form did quiet starling's lonely cry...

  • Iridescent (16) 7 WIN

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I see those rainbows forming,
    Deep inside your eyes...

  • ~ For those of you who know me you will understand...
    For those of you who don't know me ... I would...

  • I am the backwards God;
    the streets...

  • Whisking soft scents upon horizon,
    Orange holds eyes within its glow...

  • Hide-and-seek hearts
    have a mind of their own...

  • When she's alright (29)

    by Baby Rainbow

    Some people say
    that little girl is perfect...

  • Granddad (16) 4 WIN

    by Deana

    He sat rocking, slowly back and forth
    Hands a little shaky now, not like his youth...

  • This girl is worth nothing (52)

    by Baby Rainbow

    Do not love me
    do not care for me...

  • Empty Life (41) 12 WIN

    by Dennis

    When happiness is just a dream
    In memory's distant past...

  • Rockstar (22) 5 WIN

    by Beautiful Chaos

    Liquid screams
    And cocaine dreams...

  • Lifeline (28) WIN

    by debbylyn

    Shooting stars embroider dreams
    Cloud collage not what it seems...

  • Fortress of stone
    Isolated around her heart...

  • I want to know who you are inside,
    And did you ever care...

  • Please dont say goodbye (110)

    by Baby Rainbow

    This pain is now my torture
    and i don't know what to do...

  • Tears on a Keyboard (50) 1

    by Karl Wild GG23

    As she reads the words he wrote,
    Her teardrops fall like rain...

  • Bury all your memories
    Of me and what we shared...

  • My last farewell (3)

    by Poetically Speaking

    I fell apart, but you're free so no longer will...
    You gave to me hope and showed me love...

  • In a world of Criticism (42)

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I heard it's whats on the inside that counts,
    But I never really had a care...

  • Is forever just a word? (36)

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Is forever just a word?
    Because I think it is...

  • I wish it would rain (25)

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I wish it would rain
    So that I could go outside...

  • Crestfallen (2)

    by Poetically Speaking

    I am,
    Is living and the price I bestow in my vindication...

  • And you think I'm ready to make nice?! (3)

    by Poetically Speaking

    Do you think I'm ready to make nice?
    While there's this burden breaking my back...

  • Waiting Believer

    by Poetically Speaking

    This peice is about believing, and how I once let...

  • To Last Another Day... (2)

    by christina marie

    It seemed liked not so long ago,
    But now it's been years...

  • How it's gotta be

    by Poetically Speaking

    I guess I'm lazy
    yeah thats me...

  • I've let go

    by Poetically Speaking

    (I just broke up with my ex - this is just...
    How can I speak of things that I want to hide...

  • Freak (1)

    by Poetically Speaking

    Song - slow tempo
    When you left before, I wanted control...

  • Already dead... (197) 23

    by Rolo

    Lonely and hurt,
    Broken I remain...

  • Disguise (1)

    by Poetically Speaking

    The young girl hides many lies
    she hides the scars deep...

  • Long Figured Out (2)

    by Melissa

    He was beautiful,
    then ugly...

  • The walls of depression (93) 6

    by ..::Angel of your darkness::..

    You built these walls around you
    To try to encage yourself...

  • Behind The Bedroom Door (3)

    by Baby Rainbow

    Quivering by the corner of her bed,
    her heart trembling like thunder...

  • Oh Promises (4)

    by Baby Rainbow

    oh promises...

  • Perfectly Ruined (5) 2

    by Unknown

    I want to ruin you...

  • Jealousy (5) 2 WIN

    by Saerelune

    I am but the rotten core
    of an apple, love-bites from falling...

  • She aches for the beach
    that never seems to come...

  • So small (5)

    by Melissa

    My hands are two tiny ants
    crawling over meadows...

  • Shadow chasing (10)

    by Melissa

    Life is a mystery
    dreams, an empty well...

  • Some colorful leaves still cling to trees
    Though many more have gone bare...

  • If I Tell You (32) 8 WIN

    by End Of Eternity

    If I tell you to sleep with open eyes
    Will you still dream of me dying...

  • Written (2)

    by Beautiful Chaos

    A poet cries
    Screaming for words...

  • Impressions

    by Mark Spencer

    By Mark Spencer...

  • Comparative Analysis Of Judgment And Truth
    By Mark Spencer...

  • Tell The World

    by Brittany

    When I die please tell the world that I wanted...
    That I tried my best to explain life...

  • Waking with this horrible, banging headache
    fearing I'm about to lose my mind...

  • I Know Now (8)

    by Lu

    No moonbeams fall from the skies
    upon a soul beaten by lies...

  • Blank Slate (9) 7

    by Sylvia

    Pedagogues write the words
    for the course...

  • Fictitious Character. (26) 5 WIN

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Invalid statements spew
    from thorny lips...

  • Braille Emotions. (11) 2

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Depression--how strange it is for you
    to visit me. I tried to stay clear of you...

  • Please Don't GO (12)

    by Cindy

    Please don't go away
    Leaving me alone...

  • Love Always Ends (5)

    by Poetically Speaking

    Love always ends
    The story is nice while it plays out...

  • Walls are the cure (5)

    by Poetically Speaking

    Nothing ever distracts these thoughts and the...
    even though I try so hard to numb it all they keep...

  • Tired and Bruised (1)

    by Poetically Speaking

    The soldier squared his shoulders,
    as he slowly raised his head...

  • To Watch You Leaving

    by Poetically Speaking

    Death leaves no beautiful corpses,
    as is to watch you leaving...

  • Something There All Along (1)

    by Poetically Speaking

    I place a newspaper next to your pillow,
    with headlines near your ear...

  • Am I your anything?

    by Poetically Speaking

    Walked away and heard her say she'll never stay,
    fell apart as they looked down...

  • Weirdone (3)

    by Poetically Speaking

    I drift along a quiet river
    settled there a sometime ago...

  • November Rain (14) 4 WIN

    by Daisy if you do

    Cedar scented memories
    under lock and key...

  • His palm became my dictionary
    emended by pastel lines...

  • My Ears Miss You (1)

    by Eibby Faviola

    My ears miss you. If they could, they would cry.
    My ears miss you. Not to hurt, I must try...

  • Breakdown (8) 3 WIN

    by Twisted Heart

    Sit here among the thorns of change
    No time inside the soul to cling...

  • Each day i walk
    but i'm not awake...

  • Pretty words

    by Anna La Fleur

    Promises are meaningless
    pretty words said to inspire faith...

  • Out of place

    by MorbidCupcake

    I'm wrapped in lost memories
    With scars and bruises to bear...

  • Maybe I'm the only liar between us
    I threw our love out in the rain and watched it...

  • Never enough (1)

    by MorbidCupcake

    I need the medicine to reverse what's been done
    Cuz all that's left of me are remnants...

  • Disappear

    by MorbidCupcake

    I will never belong to you again
    Not that I really belonged to you back then...

  • Summer's gone. (9) 2 WIN

    by Anthony M

    Summer dwindles to its conclusion
    Autumn steals away her warm glow...

  • Fake

    by desperately needing you

    She laughs to much
    so you cant see the tears...

  • Oh, What A Wonderful World (12) 7 WIN

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    The <> marks in front of sentences mean a...

  • Lonely and Perfect
    Lonely are wolves without a pack...

  • Insomnia (16)

    by firexdancer

    As I lie awake, I dreamlessly dream about...
    The air is cold...

  • Concrete (15) 8 WIN

    by EoB

    What else am I left with, but knowledge,
    and memories ridden with pain...

  • Sometimes you think your falling,
    To where the departed go...

  • Forget Me (1) 1

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    I lace up my chucks and I throw on a scarf,
    Who knew these cuts would leave more than just...

  • Intangible (14) 7 WIN

    by Rachel RTVW

    Intangible dreams of happiness
    Broken heart like a weight...

  • In Retrospect (3)

    by Melpomene

    I believe we fear eternity
    as we are too unstable in heart...

  • I once,
    placed his heart...

  • Vulnerable (4) 6

    by Melpomene

    "This could break my heart or save me"
    I ask for forgiveness...

  • Aimlessly,
    I sail the milky way...

  • A Spring's Mourning (16) 9 WIN

    by Daisy if you do

    There is something
    about Winter...

  • Place me,
    a stone nymph...

  • Growing up (23) 10 WIN

    by silvershoes

    Time is slipping from
    my hands, such that...

  • A Lonely Tear (15) 5 WIN

    by Sourav

    No one wants to be alone
    Yet all are lonely...

  • Silence (26) 1

    by Sourav

    Quietly observing the laugh
    Quietly absorbing the pain...

  • When You're Gone (10) 4

    by Sourav

    Wake up my friend, sun is ready to rise
    Dawn has brought, may be a new surprise...

  • What death can never separate (4)

    by Masked metaphor

    In the eerie depths of my hearts ocean,
    Your name screams through the drowning tears of...

  • Civil

    by StandStill

    I remember, one time, sitting on the wall watching...
    I remember, you told me you loved me. Up there, on...

  • Rain and Stars

    by StandStill

    We used to sit on those rusty swings at the park...
    It always rained back then, big, fat, heavy...

  • Atlantis is in the bottom of my bathtub...
    Atlantis is this pretty blue-green chilly warmth...

  • Seventeen years of washing a window
    with the grey sunshine tears from her eyes...

  • Crash

    by StandStill

    We were driving, the music was so loud. You hate...
    Where the hell were we going anyway? I don't think...

  • Snow Flakes

    by StandStill

    When I told you that I shattered,
    I wanted you to glimmer...

  • Unwrapping Christmas

    by StandStill

    You're beautiful, but I'm drunk,
    which makes you the fucking hypocrite...

  • Sleep (2)

    by StandStill

    Slept the day away
    and here I am...

  • Wake the Sun (3)

    by StandStill

    Seven thousand and one thoughts
    scattered like diamonds...

  • That Poker Face You Make (2)

    by StandStill

    He dialed

  • Perfectly

    by StandStill

    Is it hypocritical to say
    I just need to be near you...

  • Funny Sh!t

    by StandStill

    You asked me how I could afford
    to stuff so much love into such...

  • It Hangs

    by StandStill

    Senses fade
    into the white of the softness...

  • Me and the Moon (1)

    by StandStill

    Sometimes, I like to sit out at night
    and stare at the big round moon...

  • 11:12

    by StandStill

    I think maybe
    I'll bite my tongue...

  • You were my summer sunset
    and we chased the cherry blossoms...

  • Hands Shake

    by StandStill

    You can always turn it up
    (tune them out...

  • Hurricane (1)

    by StandStill

    It's those highlighters I hate,
    the ones that you colour everything with...

  • One Of those Poems

    by StandStill

    It's nothing

  • Monster.

    by StandStill

    It's a little bit darker,
    hiding on the other side...

  • My absolute favourite thing to do is close my...
    It's funny, 'cause it all started such a very long...

  • Alive (1)

    by StandStill

    I got to thinking, today, when I was sitting out...
    What's it like to be dead...

  • No.

    by StandStill

    He's just another guy...

  • Fate's Calling (9)

    by Rolo

    Darkness surrounds me, though it's bright as day
    I remember each moment as you walked away...

  • Your words they taunt me, your voice it stays
    Inside my mind, intruding my ways...

  • Just Walk Away (5)

    by Rolo

    I'll look away so you won't see
    All that I pretend to be...

  • This piercing glare falls to tears, another piece...
    My heart is crumbling, fading away, ceasing to...

  • Seclusion (2)

    by Rolo

    Awake, alone, combating my thoughts
    Silence invades as my mind only rots...

  • Bittersweet End (1)

    by Rolo

    The worry of silence crept its way through
    I looked in your eyes to know what to do...

  • Deceptive Stars (6)

    by Rolo

    A shiver lurks, creeps through my soul
    It breaks a heart which was once whole...

  • The quiet seeps through as it calms my nerves
    Quickly I counter what purpose this serves...

  • Winter's Wrath (2)

    by Rolo

    This night's misfortune, tomorrow's despair;
    Nothing to blame but this lingering air...

  • I Smoke To Die

    by StandStill

    The movie theatre taste
    is dangling from your lips...

  • When Its Quiet

    by StandStill

    You're feelin' sick, 'cause
    your stomach is sprawled all over thin ice...

  • To Hold Us Up

    by StandStill

    It's nice to know you're always there
    (until I don't feel you anymore...

  • Sometime

    by StandStill

    Some nights,
    I kiss the nightlight sweet dreams...

  • Paint It Black (2)

    by StandStill

    If I threw up confetti
    and pushed together the scraps to make...

  • Bells

    by StandStill

    Those three unsaid words
    crash like thundering bells...

  • Dust (1)

    by StandStill

    My heart shimmered into a thousand pieces
    and sparkled like the sun...

  • Benign (2) 1

    by StandStill

    I'm at a standoff with God,
    choosing not to believe a lesson...

  • Swirl

    by StandStill

    You're a line
    and I'm a string...

  • Rockstar (1)

    by StandStill

    My God,
    you must feel like...

  • Sweet Sunday Mornings (1)

    by StandStill

    Cut the tassles
    and the hearstrings...

  • Fall Space

    by StandStill

    I can't sleep,
    so I can't dream...

  • Passion

    by StandStill

    You're begging me
    to throw up all my beliefs...

  • Shades of a Whale (1)

    by StandStill

    Sadness is splattered on the wall
    alternating swirls of...

  • Inventory (1)

    by StandStill

    I am...
    I am fifteen years, one month, and six days old...

  • Profain (1)

    by StandStill

    Too much Sunday
    shot up into a vein...

  • Hit Or Miss (1)

    by StandStill

    I fell asleep last night,
    dreaming to the sunset...

  • You asked me for my words
    I silenty surrender my soul...

  • So be... (19)

    by Melissa

    So be charming
    with your tasteful tongue...

  • Poem to my lover (18) 1

    by Melissa

    I can't stand the state...

  • Treading Water

    by Melissa

    When time squeezed with it's midnight hands
    darling, it was as though you clasped your fingers...

  • Infatuation

    by Melissa

    to a mirage of stars...

  • My Fall (1) 4

    by Melissa

    Your heart

  • How She Gleams

    by Melissa

    I suppose it was the way that golden star
    reflected her light...

  • Perhaps Tomorrow (2)

    by Melissa

    I keep expecting you
    to dazzle me...

  • Hands

    by Melissa

    I miss him-
    and not just those hands...

  • Awash (10) 3 WIN

    by Melissa

    It was a gradual unfolding,
    the listless dimming of love...

  • Swapping Lines (2)

    by Melissa

    Please, don't leer at me
    with those well acquainted lines...

  • No Sunshine (5) 6 WIN

    by Melissa

    Like all the men
    I've ever adored...

  • In my experience (1)

    by Melissa

    Love, like nature
    has its teeth (all pointy with malefic intent...

  • More than Prose (7) 4 WIN

    by Melissa


  • Half Alive (1) 1

    by Melissa

    Inevitably I'm a mess;
    with my emotions all strewn about...

  • Priorities

    by Melissa

    It does me no good
    to muse over frown lines...

  • Casualty of Trust

    by Melissa

    It just so happens, truth
    can make a heart clearly see...

  • I heard a song today,
    it spoke of love...

  • I could have... (6)

    by Melissa

    I could have loved you
    with all the originality of truth...

  • Paper recovery (10)

    by Melissa

    I loved him
    (still do...

  • Flowers (17) 1

    by Melissa

    Love always ends too soon
    corrupting lies with truth...

  • I feel like a star
    cast amongst this ambiguousness...

  • His Way Of... (7) 1

    by Melissa

    ...............you called me pretty...

  • Little black boxes
    and pumpkin cars...

  • Illusions (8) 7 WIN

    by Yakari Gabriel

    I used to
    believe in illusion...

  • On either sides of the window lie
    long streets of lights, where life...

  • Pouring Images (6)

    by Sunshine

    As bright lights went off, waiting for a wild...
    that takes nonreturnable parts of my heavy mind...

  • Time Changes People (3)

    by Sunshine


  • Autumn's Dream (14) 6

    by Sunshine

    Dancing with sweet feminism,
    above cemeteries of barren fields...

  • Haunted Hearts (10)

    by Sunshine

    In my book there are old yellow
    pages, with fading ink on...

  • It's Hard To Be Tender (4)

    by Sunshine

    Kneel for the patience of this challenger
    for I lasted nights and days in your hell...

  • Strengths that amaze (1)

    by letmedie2night

    A woman has strengths that amaze
    she can handle trouble, carry heavy burdens. She...

  • Favourite Song

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Life gave me my grade today
    I thought I deserved better but I guess I thought...

  • Never Will I Forget

    by Ally Cope

    Never will I forget the laughs
    The fun times we shared together...

  • I Knew Joy (11) 3 WIN

    by Corinne

    I Knew Joy
    A smile adorned my face...

  • Lessons in Failing

    by StandStill

    Can you taste the irony?
    Feel the weight of the world on your head...

  • My Yellow Doored Room (1)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    These words and these poems
    These melodies and notes...

  • Red Notebook (1)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Here in this red notebook
    Darkened scrawl, depressing thoughts...

  • Completely Incomplete (3)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Now the pen's on paper
    What words will burn out now...

  • Roamer. (9) 2 WIN

    by Rachel

    Im dead.
    But i have no grave...

  • Here Stands the Glass (13) 2 WIN

    by Twisted Heart

    When pain has tipped the heart of glass
    And time finds no relief...

  • Astronaut (6)

    by StandStill

    She floats inconspicuously in a minefield of...
    gravitational pull forcing her upwards and...

  • Warm (9)

    by StandStill

    Rain slash slithered down
    the window pane...

  • Dancers (2)

    by StandStill

    Time is at a stand-still,
    'cause we're not moving now...

  • Years

    by StandStill

    Seems like a long year
    since yesterday...

  • Hang Me (1) 1

    by StandStill

    So go get high
    with your beautiful friends...

  • Sick And Sane (1)

    by StandStill

    to the withdrawal...

  • DownDownDown

    by StandStill

    I shuddered through the symptoms
    of an early morning breakdown...

  • Minimum (1)

    by StandStill

    Do you love me...

  • 101 Ways To Apologize

    by StandStill

    Once, when we were younger
    I painted everything red...

  • Getting Somewhere (1) 1

    by StandStill

    We spend the entire hello
    saying goodbye...

  • Xoxo (1)

    by StandStill

    It's funny how the
    seasons change...

  • Lead

    by StandStill

    My everything feels like
    lead because of...

  • Dance With Me (2)

    by StandStill

    We could sail away through this

  • Delete Me (1)

    by StandStill

    Erase me from your memory
    with the click of a mouse...

  • Breathing (12) 6 WIN

    by The Queen

    Drifting into the expansiveness
    of the moments when you once...

  • Smile

    by StandStill

    You can take my pieces
    when I explode...

  • You carved our names in paper -

  • The Sun Broke Inside Your Eyes

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    The sun broke down inside your eyes
    And left them burning blue...

  • You Are An Empty Thought

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    Your words are worth as much
    As the lips they fell from...

  • Fleeing Sands (14) 5 WIN

    by Sunshine

    If only time would run like a river,
    yet into the opposite direction...

  • Still I dream (17) 11 WIN

    by Yakari Gabriel

    When the coldness
    that comes along with emptiness...

  • They questioned my sanity
    for I feared not...

  • "Love is the only force capable of...
    -Martin Luther King, Jr...

  • Stop.
    Close your eyes...

  • Band Aids Are Only Temporary (6)

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    They say getting back up is easier the third time...
    It isn't...

  • Four Walls [And You] (7) 3

    by Melpomene

    Shatter my silence within the four walls of mind,
    For sepia images of you have become intertwined...

  • The forgone
    dampens my bones...

  • The Eyes Rarely Lie (5)

    by Melpomene

    Reminded I am,
    by the constellation of stars...

  • I am no angel (10)

    by Melissa

    I am no angel
    for I have broken many hearts...

  • Mind games (1)

    by Melissa

    I never wanted anything irrational
    until your jewels tickled my tongue...

  • Clock Watching (3)

    by Melissa

    I am no good at waiting
    so I immerse myself...

  • P.s. (4)

    by Melissa

    All of these poems
    beneath my skin...

  • I love the way you clasp your hands
    deep inside of me...

  • Open book (11)

    by Melissa

    Being pretty has only got me so far
    Right into your arms...

  • Beginning of the End
    All stood still...

  • Doubting hello (15)

    by Melissa

    He still hasn't called,
    I check the dial tone again...

  • He asked me why (2)

    by Melissa

    is simply not good enough for him...

  • Make it quick

    by Melissa

    The end of love
    shouldn't linger ever so long...

  • It was many things (4) 1

    by Melissa

    It was the way he smiled
    with those eager blue eyes...

  • Testing Waters (4)

    by Melissa

    I could bask along the shorelines
    of a man's aquatic soul...

  • It's no poppy field (6) 4

    by Melissa

    Love is not
    for the weak-hearted...

  • Jacket

    by StandStill

    I wrap myself in a dark embrace
    in hopes that that panic will subside...

  • Abc (1)

    by StandStill

    The alphabet soup sky
    keeps roiling and boiling...

  • Happy Spring

    by StandStill

    It's nine twenty on a Thursday
    and all I've got is a bowl of...

  • Sense and Sensation

    by StandStill

    Welcome to a tomorrow
    that keeps slippin' further from your...

  • Q+a (1)

    by StandStill

    I was once
    in love with a mail carrier...

  • Sweetheart

    by StandStill

    Butterfly murder
    and welcome to my dreams...

  • Eye Of The Storm (1)

    by StandStill

    I wavered for one microsecond
    in the everlasting future...

  • Chinese Food

    by StandStill

    I've got a
    bottle-blonde brain...

  • The rain came on Saturday
    but bit its stubborn teeth into the morning...

  • Ba-boom (1)

    by StandStill

    no always...

  • Broken

    by StandStill

    He said
    "I think we need a break&quot...

  • Invite

    by StandStill

    I read somewhere that
    one should never write...

  • Swim

    by StandStill

    (unfurling like...

  • Respiration

    by StandStill

    (you only have one moment)

  • Dreaming (1)

    by StandStill

    I'm falling through that half-asleep confusion
    where the shapes and sounds blur to one...

  • Prose (2)

    by StandStill

    I met a boy who spent the wee hours of his...
    Then, I realized...

  • Horizons (3) 2 WIN

    by Indian Comma Bean

    You may look at me with eyes askew
    With tears parting lips heavy thoughts accrue...

  • Don't Forget To Remember. (27) 8 WIN

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Enigma plagues unknown answers-
    of what has transpired of this love...

  • Last Goodbyes

    by StandStill

    Radio plays another mindless song
    that I'm relating to our mindless situation...

  • Unspoken Words (6)

    by Sunshine

    I stem from roots where lands
    never kiss the purity of rain drops...

  • October (14) 12 WIN

    by Melpomene

    October was;
    the death of fireflies...

  • Within Me. (12) 3 WIN

    by Courageous Dreamer

    For once -
    I no longer loiter sidewalks...

  • All With Time (9) 3 WIN

    by Melpomene

    My mother once said
    if I chase curiosity...

  • Today I Realize (20) 5 WIN

    by nouriguess

    Today, I realize
    that you are far...

  • Paris (45) 10 WIN

    by Melpomene

    I've heard whispers of Paris lately,
    the city of love and some place foreign to me...

  • Abandonment (6) 3 WIN

    by Melpomene

    I watched you twirl,
    clutching the hem of a...

  • Soul Expatriate (8) 1

    by Meme

    Today the sun was rising with a bit of
    shyness, struggling in the midst of dark...

  • Teacup (7) 9 WIN

    by Melpomene

    It was only when I
    rested a teacup...

  • She strums alone (4)

    by Melissa

    I do not own exquisitely worded phrases
    that could possibly explain why...