I never knew that tears could scar.
Could leave deep gashes in my soul...
Roses wind around barbed wire,
shrieking, yearning to escape...
She stood awaiting Destiny
to come riding through the dusty streets...
A bright sun shone dappled through
a forest of browning leaves...
I stood, transfixed,
bathed in a silver light...
I watch the silver cogs turn,
Along the misty moors doth dwell
a maiden of the fairest kind...
Walking through a crimson field
hand in hand, through wild tulips...
There was a time that thou had a chance
to keep me for all eternity...
Life is pondered.
Clocks strike, ticking away the stolen hours...
To save one moment in time
is to defy all laws of logic...
Walking through a field of flowers
birds warbling gentle tunes...