Quotes by Blaketooken

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  • I love him.... what can I say

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • Why can't he be what I want him to be and do something for himself?
    Why do I need to force him to have a good life?

    15 years ago
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  • I loved him more than I've loved anything in my life... now tell me..what's better than that?

    15 years ago
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  • I'm telling you this right now...I'm not gonna live my life like this...I'm not

    15 years ago
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  • All I care about is making him happy... and I wondered why I was always sad..

    15 years ago
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  • I just want to be happy
    What's so hard about that
    maybe it's because your selfish
    and you know I love you with all I have

    15 years ago
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  • I smile but I'm broken
    I laugh but I'm hurt
    I'm thankful but I'm not happy
    I love but I'm lonely

    15 years ago
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  • She tries so hard to make him love her....
    God can't even do that..

    14 years ago
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  • I trusted him
    I thought he would never leave me
    I did everything that i was suppose to do...
    SO what makes YOU any different?
    What makes you think that he won't leave you too?

    14 years ago
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