-------Being a poet, is a passion that drives someone to make wild statements. its a cure for the unwanted feelings, to get rid of emotions. Poetry is not just words but it is an art. An art that you alone can understand, a talent and your life. |
Clean Your Mind
Set your mind into other things...
Ness (Acrostic)
New hours of your life...
Think of something new...
Please define equality...
Iere dayanne damaso
Is love at first sight true...
Only time will tell
Every time I spend my time alone...
Please define equality...
Think of something new...
Ness (Acrostic)
New hours of your life...
*|Being a poet, is not being emotional but it is a potential|* |
*|being innocent doesn't mean you're useless|* |
*|There are lot of things that I wish I could done instead of sitting and complaining that I have a boring life|* |