Quotes by Lizzy

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  • You always think you are in love until something goes wrong or you just give up. Well I am determined to beat the odds and prove everyone that he is my one and only love.

    AKA me

    17 years ago
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  • Girl- It's 11:11... make a wish
    Boy- I don't need to
    Girl- What?
    Boy- I've got you in my life

    17 years ago
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  • When you look back on life.. do you wanna see a girl that didn't take any risks and regrets it... or a girl who had the time of her life.... while making some mistakes. Live life... make mistakes... have no regrets.

    17 years ago
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  • Just live. dont wake up old regreting things. LIVE. be young, have fun, party till you drop. date the people you love, and have fun every second of it. cause you dont know what you could have had until you have done it.

    17 years ago
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  • Love: the one thing that builds you up while it breaks you down.

    17 years ago
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