
About Sarah

Hey My Name Is Sarah <3
I'm 16 and a junior in High School.
I've written since 7th grade.
I Like It <3
Read and Comment My Things :
I'll Do The Same for You [!]

Profile of Sarah

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Ohio
  • Joined : Aug 7, 2007
  • Last Visit : 17 years ago
  • Poems : 9
  • Comments : 11
  • Quotes : 2
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Sarah

  • It's What You Do To Me<3
    It's what you do to me...

  • Away (1)

    Your words are strange whispers into my ears,
    lies upon lies from all of the years...

  • Stamp the head of insignificance
    its our friendship you pointless man...

  • Each breath i count,
    Feeling your chest rise and fall...

  • I am: (2)

    I am:
    the sunlight you don't see...

Latest Quotes By Sarah

  • All we see or seem is nothing but a dream within a dream ...
    -edgar allen poe

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • Passion is the Strongest & most mistreated Emotion <3

    17 years ago
    0 0

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