Have you ever tasted blood
In a kiss...
I take one step,
and then I take another...
There you go again, making me smile.
You really didn't do anything for it...
There's something new
about you tonight...
Sometimes you touch me,
like you used to before...
Sometimes, when I sit long enough, I think
of you sitting with me, like you used to...
(read in a whisper)
Stop the hurt...
Wine in a glass, dark and red.
Smooth silk on your skin...
Where, oh where,
has all the hatred gone...
I know I can move, it just hurts to.
My eyes, everything is blurred, as though with...
My mother gave me a gift the other day.
A big old bundle she pointed to...
Inhale, and exhale, slowly.
Inhale, and exhale, slowly...