An eye for an eye
A heart for a heart...
You act like I'm not there
You act like I don't care...
Rain droplets making a beat as it hits the ground...
Gaining speed and then eventually slowing down...
you take and take
As i start to break and shake...
Laying in a hospital bed. . Feeling so weak.
I start to shiver. . The pain. . The pain...
They say within each tear there is a lesson.
But lessons only can be learned with a better...
All around, The shadows gather.
My dread grows as the dark touch falls against me...
You were my friend, you made me happy.
Through the sadness u were there and it made me so...
Wedding bells chime but I know not for me.
A wedding dress so pretty will never be fitted on...
Sliding down a dark and muddy terrain.
Nothing to grab as you scramble to gain control...
You cut me out,
You cut me thin...
Warmth hiding under a sea of blankets
As the chill air engulfs the night air...