Quotes by gasping for air

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  • Where did it go??
    What happened to our dreams??
    What happened to the plans??
    What happened to the love??
    They're all shattered,
    Lying in pieces on the floor,
    Along with my heart.

    18 years ago
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  • For so long,
    You helped me fly,
    For so long,
    You saved me.
    Now all you do,
    Is make me cry,
    There's so much pain,
    That you don't even see.

    18 years ago
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  • There may be somethings,
    That the other kids will get to have,
    That you may not,
    But one thing you will never find lacking,
    Is the unquestionable love,
    Of a mother for her child.

    19 years ago
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  • When you find someone special,
    Someone out of the norm,
    Don't let them go,
    Don't let them walk away,
    Without telling them what you feel,
    And if they still walk away,
    Know that if you were meant to be,
    He will come back to you.

    19 years ago
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  • Just when you think it's over for you,
    Just when you think love has you licked,
    He shows up,
    The one you've been waiting and hoping for,
    And all you can do is pinch yourself,
    Because it seems too good to be true...

    19 years ago
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  • The one person i want to spend my life with, the person that i would have died for, the person that is the father to my baby has hurt me, hurt me so badly that i don't know if we can fix things, and i vow to never let anyone hurt me like he has....

    19 years ago
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  • For days upon days,
    months upon months,
    years upon years.
    i have cried out,
    yet my cries,
    fall upon deaf ears.

    19 years ago
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  • The moment I looked into your eyes I fell in love. Everytime I look I fall all over again. So many times I've looked, and have so much love for you. I carry all of it with me every day.

    19 years ago
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  • Emotions are a tricky thing, they screw with your head sometimes, and make things seem worse than they truly are, they distort what is truly there. But they can bring heaven to you at the very same time... Ahhh emotions...

    19 years ago
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  • Life is tough, no doubt about that, but it is also what you make it, so make it worth living

    19 years ago
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