At one point in your life your going to realize that someimes no matter how hard you try, things are going to change |
When its all you have left, you'll do anything to hold onto it. |
No one understands until it happens to them, then when you love someone, you'll do anything to get them. |
It always feels like the harder I try, the harder I hit the ground. |
The only people you can hurt are the ones who care. |
Oh man, I really wish I knew then what I know know. |
I always learn things the hard way, but I think that's the best way to learn. |
For once I want him to understand what he did wrong when I walk away with tears in my eyes. |
I was soo embaressed when he caught me looking at him, but then I realised that he was also looking back at me. |
Sometimes I look at you and catch you looking back at me but then you turn your head away so fast as if it would hurt to look for just one more second... |