The girl who seemed unbreakable, [b r o k e] |
&& you absolutely, positively, without a shout of a doubt, take my breathe away. |
You give me that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fench, world series kinda feeling... |
LiFe iS SiMpLe...[eat] [sleep] [dAnCe] |
WhAtS MiNniE WiThOuT MiCkEy? |
F i n a l l y...out of all the boys that have whispered to me [i l o v e y o u], you're the f i r s t one who seems to m e a n it. |
&& i remember when you held my hand and told me that i was your everything. well, i was just wondering...what ever happened to that boy? && if you find him, will you please tell him i miss him?...thank you |
THe WaY yOu sMiLe, ThE wAy YoU gEt ThAt TwiNkLe In YoUr EyE, tHe WaY yOu kNoW jUsT wHaT tO sAy At JuSt ThE RiGhT mOmEnT, & hOw YoU tElL mE i LoOk BeAuTiFuL, EvEn At mY wOrSt...YeS i lOvE iT aLl. |
&& you're my one in six billion |
&& i lay down each night, hoping the next day will bring me more happiness, and a mended heart. </3 |