LiFe iS SiMpLe...[eat] [sleep] [dAnCe] |
You give me that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fench, world series kinda feeling... |
&& you absolutely, positively, without a shout of a doubt, take my breathe away. |
The girl who seemed unbreakable, [b r o k e] |
A million stars, a million dreams |
&& you were my very first love. the one person who could just look at me, and i'd feel their love deep down. you completed me. but then, you tore out my heart and ripped it apart. boy, why'd you do it? |
&& just when i thought everything was ripped up my heart and threw it away.. |
I love you infinity plus ten times whatever you say! <3 |
Be yourself, cause everyone else is already taken! |
&& no matter what you're doing, what time it is, or what the situation, you're always there for me, && thats why i call you my BEST FRIEND! |