This life is one Big is one big drama played...and most turn out to be Good actors.. |
They say people always rise in love...but I have always fallen flat to da ground..and ma heart broken into pieces |
"Mother Dear Mother" |
For once feel what am feeling from Inside and u'll know what true love is... |
You kept swearing upon me...that you loved me and now i wonder how many times you killed me....with those fake swearing... |
You promised we will be walkin da same path all our life....and now u changed the direction leaving me all alone... |
They tried hurting a strong being like me before but gave up...but you didnt had to put much effort to hurt me... |
What was once mine belongs to someone else now...what used to be ma dream someone else's dream I wish ma eyes never had opened to belv it what was mine belongs to someone else now... |
You said belv me and i belvd everything...You said I love you...and In return..I loved you more then you Could imagine...You said lets part our ways and again i did I await you to ask give ur life and I'll do that as well just for you... |
And yet I dont learn from ma mistakes....I still Love you..... |