
About SweetBabee07

Hi everyone... I'm not sure how my poems myte take You as, but I just would like you to know that I'm just an amateur..dont comment harshly plz.... I just started writtin now.. some of it is writtin for my bf..now ma ex... can't stand that boi now... oh well it was good to have had love for a while thou...but anywayz i really hope it touches you guyz and if it doesnt Just give me some feedback on how I can make it better!!:)...
Thank YOU!!
LUV YA'LL!!!!!!!:)

Profile of SweetBabee07

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Michigan
  • Joined : Apr 24, 2004
  • Last Visit : 20 years ago
  • Poems : 14
  • Comments : 14
  • Quotes : 3
  • Posts : 1
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By SweetBabee07

  • No one else in this world
    could make me feel like you do...

  • As I was writing in one of my blogs it just...
    Everywhere I go I hear your name...

  • I know I will always love you,
    I know I'll always care...

  • I'm sorry i'm starting to realize
    just how much you mean to me...

  • Do you.....I do
    do you really love me...

Latest Quotes By SweetBabee07

  • ~~why can't you see,
    I'm the one for you..~~
    ~~It's me that loves you,
    It's me that'll 4ever tay tru~~

    20 years ago
    0 0

  • *tell me what u think?*
    *tell me what u do?*
    *cuz baby i promise*
    *that i'll always stay true!*

    20 years ago
    0 0
  • Dont listen to HATERZ...
    cuz they dont noe a thing........
    give it ur all....
    And sing what u wanna SING!!!

    Dont listen to HATERZ
    Dont let them tell u what u can and can't do.......
    Just be true to urself...
    Just remember to be U!!!:)

    20 years ago
    0 0

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