Before you'll come to senses |
Don't look at the star which disapear but eyes that love! |
SEcOnDs MiNuTeS hOuRs ThAtS mA pReRoGaTiVe BuT uR dA rEaLitY! |
AiNt dAt SaSsY |
FReSh & fLy KeEpiN liKe A wHitE gUrL yA tAlK s*** liKe iN dA gHeTtO tRiP cUz Ya AiNt FlY liKe Me & mA b****! |
IM fReSh iM fLy iM wHiTe iM fiNe So ChiCk DnT tAlK s*** LiKe iN tHa lAmE aSs TriCk! |
U CaN kEeP yEr OwN liFe StYlE bEiN iN tHa BrOoKlYn SiDe! |
Keepin things 2gether it aint dat easy but to live with lies its worse! All u can do is just to be yerself like u've had never b4! |
She can't sleep at night her world has changed && she still cries! |
I can't bring you back but I ain't losing a memory of you! |