Quotes by Simona

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  • Football over men
    money over sex
    hot cars over bi$%h

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • Women know when men lie and still refuse to believe that hes lying,follow your mind and not ur heart! ur mind can see the good and the bad and have pulses to detect a lie,but your heart only see the good and block out the bad.

    17 years ago
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  • Don't take revenge its just a waste of your time..spend more time loving and less time hating because that is what the devil wants.hatred he feeds off of it..don't let him and his people win!

    17 years ago
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  • Life isn't bad at all is the people in it! they will try there best to get you down..dont stray from the truth those bastrad will pay in the end.

    17 years ago
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