* Look at me in your moments of despair;
life is not easy life is not fair...
There was once a time not many years past,
Where happy times were expected to last...
*There's so much no one knows and so much no one...
about the way I feel inside, my thoughts and all...
" My youth is slowly going with no use.
As all my three years spent it in the same room...
*This person I'm seeing
I used to once know...
* Life's one big test,
Parents test u...
* Painful
*I love the way he laughs
I love the way he's kind...
* If u truly love someone, u'll let her be herself...
If u truly love someone, u'll like her strengths...
"Every night I go to bed dreaming of the...
I get to see u again...
* Welcome back depression
My sweetest friend...
"What my heart tells me
Is that there is no one else on earth...