Our ears hear that of restless trees,
The wind blowing gently on the flowers...
Slip the thread through the needle,
Stitch the lie into our skin...
Hearken the tears of winter,
Life springs from such frigid tombs...
Solemn tides bring suspicions
To the harbors in my eyes...
This is for the poets
who's poems go unnoticed...
Hello my friends,
This here's the puppeteer...
All around me
love is proceeding...
Promiscuous eyes
and a dazzling grin...
Plaster faces judge my thoughts
like trees upon a flower's bloom...
Unbridled rage unleashed;
Crack! Silence...
Wallpaper faces
In this remodeled world...
The ancient forest weeps to the azure heavens,
As Nature's children struggle on drifting moments...