Friction restriction cant tell if life wants me or...
I hold the heart of another in my hand and i just...
The drops of red
The drops of blue...
Love, Hate, Crime, Rape
All the things we see in a day...
As we connect eye to eye
We see something else...
My heart full of secrets as i put on this mask to...
Everything i had and everything that died...
Take the feeling you left behind that night
When you left me alone to cry...
My heart is wondering
As if life had no sky...
Crunch Crunch
Your foot steps are approaching...
As you shed the skin of him
Layers and layers he goes down...
Shadows erupt the demons inside me to lust for...
Innocence is the first casualties
Why does everything have to die...
I seek something that isn't true
I seek the wonders of life but have no control...