Quotes by Paige Lea

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  • You know you can always fly away,
    No one will ever stop you.

    So fly if you want, just remember to take me with you.

    17 years ago
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  • "i think he's going to break up with me..." i said and i almost started to cry

    ...but you wrapped your arms around me and you said, "i'll be with you"

    ...you'll never know how much that means to me...
    i love you, friend

    17 years ago
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  • I'll miss you forever
    I'll love you for always
    I'll always remember
    I'll hold on to our days...

    your memory is burned
    into the walls of my heart
    you've left your mark
    for long after we part

    17 years ago
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  • Have you ever wondered what a bug's last thoughts are the milisecond before it hits the windsheild?


    17 years ago
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  • "Don't take your problems with you
    Just leave them where they lay
    Forget about all of your troubles
    And just enjoy today."

    thank you so much callie

    17 years ago
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  • Sweets, you light my candle


    17 years ago
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  • Whatever makes you happy...
    whatever floats your boat...
    whatever turns your crank...
    whatever lights your fire...
    whatever spices your taco...


    17 years ago
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  • You've hurt me before...but never like this
    to tell me you don't want me is no "swing and miss"
    you've paralyzed my entire heart
    now i doubt it will ever start

    for: my best friend who pushed me away, he's all i have...i love him

    16 years ago
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  • All i've ever wanted was that knight in shining armor

    all i've ever needed was the best friend i could ever have...YOU

    i love you so much!

    for: KI

    16 years ago
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  • It's funny how you're the only person who could hurt me....who WOULD hurt me....who DID hurt me..........

    but you're still everything i'v ever wanted and more

    i love you so much
    i just wish you'd see that.... :'(

    16 years ago
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