Poems by Ridge

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  • Losing true sounds around me
    Losing my eye in the sea...

  • Lily (5)

    Lily has the cancer and no one really knows
    Her father is an alcoholic and he needs to grow...

  • Best style in a fairy lady
    Uncommon it thrills me off...

  • We could come along, sing another song
    A song about little miss sad...

  • I think I'm over and out
    A bit hungover as well...

  • If I die today before I get it done
    I'll lose my pride...

  • I stand under your lotus perfume
    I stand before your storming virtue...

  • Icy vanilla clouds cover a pale blue sky
    On a promising morning in June...

  • I'm a mid ghost mid shell - taunted by a ferocious...
    Damned to doom in my jail cell...

  • Somebody scream louder
    'Cause I need to warn Oscar, tell him my love now...

  • Anger (1) 1

    She's a given, and she's a *****
    What about my happy smile every time I greet you...

  • There we turn around the law clerk with a cut lily
    Trying to get rid of misery...