A family is like the fingers in our hands, when one is gone, our hands won't be as strong as before... |
It was a slight mistake that made me lose you, and for that you completely forgot all the good things that i did for you.... |
It only takes a picture of you to make me remember the scar you left, and that unforgettable scenario, where true emotions were felt... |
Dating nowadays has become more of a profession, if you get fired, you can find a new job... |
In the absence of truth, we unlock our potential on seeing our true self... |
"Love is like getting shot by a gun while wearing a bulletproof vest, still alive but enduring so much pain!" |
The greatest regret you'll have in your life is when you didn't tell the one you really love what you feel about them... |
Roses are red, violets are blue, i'll flush you in the toilet when i'm done with you! |
A loving heart can never be deceived easily what the eyes can see... |
Though our eyes see the truth, our heart never believes it! |