Poems by Poet on the Piano

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  • Even at a tender young age,
    she blossoms beautifully...

  • I never accepted the sunrise because each heave...
    would only burden me with flashbacks of light...

  • My kinship: cultivators of bays and shorelines,
    abstract climbers of mountain sides near the sun...

  • A heart, is an epidemic of truth
    where I'm left scattered...

  • Will you come in the form of a star?
    All I ask for is someone...

  • His midnight voice
    melts the tension...

  • I wilter as a hidden flower,
    crushed among your notebooks...

  • I sing a breath unto morning's mist
    a miracle fresh, a wish I have kissed...

  • If there were no more suns to circle the world.
    no flight for angels to test out their wings...

  • For nineteen years I've never struggled
    within your grasp...

  • I hear the pain,
    descending through meltdowns...

  • Characteristics
    read through a strong perception...