I breathe heavily, remembering how you
were told to sleep on this day, high above the...
Crystal glass slumbers at the crossing
of our toes; we are emotionless as these...
I've often wondered myself if sweetness
is the type of velvet voice that will fade...
Your eyelids are the color of winter
morns where aghast clouds blush the faintest...
Jesus, I believe that you are the center of the...
the center of my life, and the center of this...
There are no lyrics to the most spiritually
significant words...
I want something stronger than tea but wiser than...
Restless legs, an under exercised heart, the...
I'm nowhere close to being a woman, yet.
Though I'm less than a year away from the correct...
you may seldom know how a piano was...
Scratched walls resemble the ocean
once tainted by a monsoon...
I am frightened for the ones
who leap onto faith but don't...
Rest easy, sigh no more,
when you come to a place you don't know...