Poems by Poet on the Piano

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  • There is nothing gentle about this, this...
    You can be belong somewhere...

  • I have a choice, to be hushed,
    close up at the sound of your heavy...

  • When words mean nothing
    that is when life...

  • I wake up in a room different than
    my own, a place I once called home...

  • I stare out of this telescope,
    it isn't mine...

  • Sour milk infecting my mouth,
    anxious legs cramped...

  • ...

  • We learn life lessons in the most interesting...
    One person's way of understanding something may be...

  • I have exiled crimson sunsets,
    extinguishing any newfangled flames...

  • Thunder tumbles in
    like a gymnast ready to take on her last...

  • Ursula (5)

    You've imprisoned others
    with your seas of anger...

  • Questioning everything I do,
    I don't trust myself to radiate...