Poems by Poet on the Piano

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  • You are my miracle child
    a letter of stainless ink...

  • 1. I sculpt the eternal Heavens
    with the palm of my hand...

  • Around the river bend she twirls...
    wondering when the trace of dawn...

  • My pleasant December,
    Oh, how I greatly miss...

  • I never carry tote bags and cherries
    strutting the streets like frisked apple berries...

  • Please comment on this poem. I know it is long but...
    All my life I loved him...

  • I carry you around as
    if you're an integral...

  • I'm nowhere close to being a woman, yet.
    Though I'm less than a year away from the correct...

  • I just need to be comforted.
    I need to be told it's safe...

  • I want a man who won't laugh
    when I play him his own melody...

  • Even at a tender young age,
    she blossoms beautifully...

  • Solitude engraves
    .....her judged name...