Quotes by Poet on the Piano

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  • We are poetry runners....continually chasing the intangible and weaving words we want to taste. So let me run to you until my words spiral and my legs fail me and we are


    11 years ago
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  • I still can't believe you are going home so soon,
    a million miles away it seems,
    but you won't forget me or any of us,
    for you have a heart humble and kind that will
    never stop loving. . .
    and I'll always have your encouragement
    with me in my life.

    11 years ago
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  • Opposition to an act is not hatred toward the persons involved. Everyone is entitled and encouraged to fight for what they believe and what they know as truth.

    11 years ago
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  • You made it, you realize. Like rest after climbing a mountain and finding that the active volcano you feared would consume you in your childhood, is now dormant. And you are relieved...

    11 years ago
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  • Looting warehouses for scraps of cool metal chains, because I need to hold onto something, anything.

    11 years ago
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  • Living to write; writing to survive.

    11 years ago
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  • Music is hope and inspiration, bringing life to the heart, helping it restart again,
    and making a place where you belong.

    12 years ago
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  • Time is constantly coding me, giving me deadlines saying there will never be a chance to write what's in my heart. But I disagree. I say there's time for the soul, and that the treasure of time can be found through the healing of words.

    12 years ago
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  • Poetry is food God gives me for when I am barren, alone, and with no sense of clarity....

    12 years ago
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  • Words can be rushed, picked apart, put to sleep....but the heart, the heart my love cannot be forced to tell. It must tell love on its own.

    12 years ago
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