This hypnotizing lullaby,
is the one that sings me to sleep...
6 602 224 175
At this moment there are 6 602 224 175 people in...
Have you ever felt like dying,
Just to who who'd care...
When theres no more smiles and rainbows
All those that depend...
How does it feel,
To know your the reason for her death...
Just hold me for a while, forget about the rest.
Just stay with me a while, we'll put them to the...
Why big brother why?
Did have to end like this...
All I know is that you're so nice,
You're the nicest thing I've seen...
You were there to listen
When no one else would...
It all started that stormy night,
when the policeman came to the door...
Why do i do this
why cant i just be a good friend...
I thought the pain was over
i thought that my heart could not be any more...