6 602 224 175
At this moment there are 6 602 224 175 people in...
No one talks to her, she feels so alone
And shes in to much pain to survive on her own...
It is impossible to truly hate someone without...
We were in a contest to see who could care less...
How does it feel,
To know your the reason for her death...
The meaning of life
It's that elusive unknown...
Rocky cliffs, what a way to end a life
Vodka bottle, trying to forget this strife...
Fake smiles are her favorite accessory
Not a want, but a necessity...
Playground school bell rings,
Just as she crashes down...
We were the best of friends
we were like sisters...
You ripped my heart out
and now it lies where you left it...
Have you ever felt like dying,
Just to who who'd care...
This hypnotizing lullaby,
is the one that sings me to sleep...