Quotes by Curing the Comon Cliche

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  • It's amazing, have you ever just looked into someones eyes and imagined what it's like being them. because all the stuff (lack of better word) we deal with in our lives. All the things that go through there head. That is the deepest form of love.

    17 years ago
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  • You want to know what my 11:11 wish is?

    I wished for the night, when I cant think of anything more to wish for....

    because I already have you

    17 years ago
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  • Me: Brittney has been on the news a lot
    friend: She's been on a lot of things recently
    me: LMAO, was that intended to sound that way
    friend: no, but i guess thats true too

    Gotta love that sexual innuendo

    17 years ago
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  • If you've ever been cheated on plz read and comment on my new poem

    "To a Cheater, How's This for a Game? "

    ps i know ppl asking for comments is really annoying.

    17 years ago
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  • *On Instant Messenger*

    Me: stop smiling
    Her: How do you know I'm smiling?
    Me: Cause I'm smiling

    (i always tell her she makes me smile, i thought it was cute)

    16 years ago
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  • Friend: i highly doubt she'll be forgeting you then

    me: its not about forgetting me
    it's about remembering me
    i dont want her to remember me cause that means im just a memory

    16 years ago
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  • I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat what they killed, there would be no more wars.
    -Abbie Hoffman

    16 years ago
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  • "Or u do cry for a reason. and if u think about the reason u will cry harder. so u bottle it up. put it in a box. and swallow the key. where stupid ppl like me wiggle their way into ur box and look at all ur locked up reasons."

    Me to Gabby

    16 years ago
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  • Again, and again in my head
    The same old painful questions
    I'm writing out my answers
    In stanzas on cheap paper napkins

    (will grow up to be a poem someday)

    16 years ago
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  • A poem is a song and a story put together
    Its the spork of the art world

    16 years ago
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