Poems by stillmomsgirl

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  • Cut
    a word unsaid...

  • Alone (1)

    Alone, terribly alone.
    A word I could never emit...

  • Always left behind
    Never asked along...

  • *This story was written by me for my older cousin*
    Would it ever be okay again...

  • In the dark
    I feel myself tremble...

  • The cherry blossoms bring the only joy to this...
    She hates when Caroline wakes her in the night...

  • (Prose)
    The backyard was bare. Not necessarily bare of...

  • Shes in deep
    and refuses to come to the surface...

  • This time it is
    not a joke...

  • Cut (6)

    Shes happy.
    For those couple seconds the blade cuts through...

  • Enough (1)

    Take my hand babe and we can conquer
    the pain, the hurt, and the sorrow...

  • I smile, genuinely smile
    when he talks to me...