She stood before me, battered but radiant— A...
“His love—a sweet poison, laced with the air...
My voice feeling the weight of sorrow,
Tears spill like ink from the crumbling pages of...
"Do not drown in sorrow," she breathed, a gentle...
The next one stepped forward, a heartbeat older...
The next one stepped forward with forced steps...
Teenager Continued
Battle at Home...
Grandma Esther
In your grandmother's embrace, you found your...
Sing me a song that only you and I know
The words that are so beautiful and in plain sight...
I was crying inside the dining room in the dark
No light to be found just the shine of the tears...
Speak to me in love and loved.
I'll lead you slowly into my alone...
Climbing down...
At the school of Saint Rose Academy, everyone that...
When she is in the classroom, she barley talks...