Poems by Ana Mendez

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  • Longing to be with you,
    Only thinking of you...

  • I Wish (3)

    I wish I could hold you and never let go.
    I wish you could trust me with your love...

  • A Rose (1)

    She is like a rose,
    so sweet and soft...

  • You call yourself a loser,
    but if you see what I see...

  • Fly

    You say you want to fly.
    Well spread your wing and fly...

  • I try to let go of the past,
    but every time i turn around i have a memory of...

  • The pain i feared has come back,
    I knew it would return...

  • The friendship was stronger,
    when we were little...

  • Time is what we have in our friendship.
    Our friendship revolves around time...

  • On the day you were born,
    My heart filled with Love...

  • I have this pain in my heart,
    I can't tell why it there...

  • You are the light in my darkness,
    You have my heart and soul...