Poems by NightFlyer

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  • Gently sings the night,
    A palm tree sways its slow serenade to the wind...

  • In the realm of the king,
    His sign, the crescent moon and Mars...

  • Holding your memory dear in the harvest moon...
    To cross dark meadows in pale light glowing...

  • Voices scream across a red video sunset,
    We've left our ocean behind with no regret...

  • Blue electric flame, working its magic,
    Violet energy, burning like a phosphorescent...

  • Hazel blue anemone
    In a little seaside cave...

  • Hurricane spins in a churning sea
    Storm driven winds across the depths...

  • Stars (1)

    Stars burning in the vault of the sky
    Violet-tinged In my Winter season...

  • Bird songs sweet through windows, drift
    Like my restless dreams that lift...

  • Time sends its vapors across the sapphire sky,
    So sad, so real, in this blue moment...

  • A silver caravan of nocturnal gods
    They float in silent procession...

  • Castle bricks
    Strewn in disarray across a ragged hill...