East Poetry

About East Poetry

I love to sit and ponder and open myself up to the deepest parts of my mind. I postulate on existence, where it all comes from, how it started, eventually I found that all roads lead to one place. And that is...Their must have been a redeemer to justify the perfection of eternity and ultimately destroy the concept of nothingness. for the most confident thing I know to be true is that there is something! for we exist. Existence itself proves that there is an infinite amount of possibilites out there. And it doesnt just stop at everything... it continues on thourgh God, and ensures to me He exists. Ever since I came to a very clear relization of this, I feel it has inspired my poetry, I'd love to say that God has inspired my thoughts, but I am much to humble. Maybe he has... none the less I love to put my thoughts to paper and into poetry.

My poems are postulates on things created, a pondering,
of why things like "time" and "matter" are!
determined by the causality of putting the "infinity" of matter

...inside a Perfect Star...................................................

Theorist, poet, and writer.....................................
See Acts 17 vs 28 .....
For "in him" we live, and move, and have our being: as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring .............................................................

My works are below ......................................................................

If you enjoy my writes,
please feel free becoming a quick
member and leaving your comments..............................................................Regards

Profile of East Poetry

  • Age : 44
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Arizona
  • Joined : May 3, 2004
  • Last Visit : 1 month ago
  • Poems : 76
  • Comments : 405
  • Quotes : 8
  • Posts : 247
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By East Poetry

  • Existence... is a simple thing,
    it either is or it is not...

  • You've been living alone my love!
    For I've been so fare away...

  • I really did feel loved by you,
    for the short time that it lasted...

  • Am I Broken?
    If so, how can I mend...

  • Anything that makes a sound
    is a product of Creation...

Latest Quotes By East Poetry

  • Take life by the ropes, its meant to be a ride you control, and not a roller coaster that forces you through its ups and downs.

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • Gravity is the force of nothingness

    ...inside of matter.

    True nothingness does not exist!

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • Matter is to Gravity

    as sound is to cause

    13 years ago
    1 0

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