Poems by Splashley

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  • Do you remember way back when...
    Drugs wasn't an issue in society...

  • The poem I wrote you
    It was on my wrist...

  • I pull down my sleeves
    As everyone stares...

  • Dead (2)

    Rusted, cold, sharp blade
    Feeling my arm...

  • I drew you a heart
    But the love didn't last...

  • Sleeves rolled up
    Razor in hand...

  • If tears could cause death
    I'd be gone by now...

  • Why can't I show it like you do?
    Why can't I just express how I feel...

  • You took my hand
    And danced with me...

  • With every breath that I take
    I pray that it's my last...

  • How can I see the truth
    Covered with all your lies...

  • When I see that smile on your face
    I feel like I belong...