It's the prolonged blue winter that killed her, the fact that the skies rained made her cry, it's the brittle ice that made her heart weaker and the coldness of the forsaken wind that devastated her home! |
Thank you for loving me through my weakness, through my breaking down, through my happiness, my craziness, my foolishness, my weirdness but most momentously thank you for loving me when I wasn't anybody else but me. |
Most of the people on this planet, they don't care for who you are... they care for what you have in your pocket!! |
Don't you ever let this cruel world to hurt you, to sadden you, and most importantly to break you... don't give up, struggle, sacrifice and don't you ever dare to murder your smile! |
Scream, Fight, Start a revolution... |
I've made an imaginary character just to compete against my weakness! |
I have a dream that someday wars will be a history and peace won’t be a mystery... |
I'd rather to bleed for the rest of my life than to see me mother's tear and cry... |
Perfection is looking at the beautiful side of the reality... |
I Wish I Wasn't Me... |