“She’s not realâ€
Wakening up the morning...
Tasteful raindrops fall,
Onto the little face...
Like a child in the grass,
Swiftly swaying as feelings surpass...
Leaves are falling on the ground,
Colors of yellow, orange and brown...
See My User name Changed So i Switcher my poems
There are so many things i want to know...
User name changed - so i am relocating everything
God can you hear me...
Lost Inside
When a closed door opens...
The Dept
I bet that I could fill the biggest sea...
You are my hero.
In every hurdle that comes your way...
I hate when people say
"what a perfect life"...
As the last day of school comes near,
the tears begin to come...
I am so sick of all this crap,
all your excuses...