So,I guess I'm just your average teenage girl. I talk way too much,I laugh with my friends till I cry,I stay up late just to daydream and I live my life just to have fun. Honestly,I have no life goals or plans. Wherever life takes me,that's where I'll be. I'm a CHOIR NERD. I love it,singing is my biggest passion. I write. I smoke. I swear. I drink. And you'll judge me for that but like I give a shit anyway. Sugar and spice? Pssh,I'm Vodka & Ice. I come off as very conceited sometimes but I guess it's just me. I like to smile and flirt and giggle my ass off. I love my cats. I have 2 besties,Lauren and Michael. I am a Freshman at my school. I gots the red hair and the blue eyes. Yea,so that's pretty much it. |
Life aint that fun
playing by all the rules...
Your hand is a little too tight on mine
You're saying my name a little too loud now...
Just me and my best friend
just you and me...